PDM Tips

Saturday, January 21, 2006


PLANTWATCH simultaneously evaluates vibration, and temperature inputs to determine machine condition with an incredible high level of accuracy.
• It is an On-Line Monitoring System with (web enabled) Remote Diagnostic capabilities.
• It is primarily used to monitor your critical plant equipment or machines in remote or hazardous locations.
• The system offers 24/7 monitoring and trending, providing you piece of mind.
• Affordability - Lowest cost in the industry
• Scalability - 8, 16, 32 channels available
• Connectivity - No server required

With over 20 years of experience in the Machinery Vibration Monitoring industry, PDM has designed the new generation PLANTWATCH system to facilitate the "much needed" and exploding "On-Line" market. With our experience and success in this field "we introduce the best solution".


PLANTWATCH is a permanently mounted vibration monitoring system that give users a clear and clear and concise overview of a machines health.
PLANTWATCH is responsible for getting the key information to the decision makers "whenever" or "wherever" they are, "immediately" a problem occurs.
PLANTWATCH automatically transmits either an email and/or pager message describing the machine's mechanical condition.
When connected to a LAN, the PLANTWATCH will alert any workstation or control room terminal that an alarm has been breached.
The power of networking (Intranet) and the Internet, machines cannot only be monitored from your desk, but also diagnosed but anywhere in the world.
System Features:
• Simultaneous display of Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration and Temperature
• Alarm status - Green, Yellow, Red
• Baseline overview - Normal operating condition
• Trending - Data can be reviewed over several months


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